The holidays and the new year are a time when we think about what has been and what could be.
Good things have happened this year.
The amount of materials recycled is up about ten percent. This is double the year to year increase from 2014.
A survey this summer indicated that half of the households in Creighton are taking advantage of weekly recycling pickup.
Recycling is a habit for many people. More businesses are have their recycling picked up or drop it off at the Recycling Centre. The green trailer by Canadian Tire is emptied at least twice a week.
The Recycling Centre is receiving many calls about what can be recycled and what is the best way to dispose of items.
Here is my wish list for in the new year:
- Every household in our community would recycle.
- More people would take advantage of the curbside pickup in Creighton and Flin Flon.
- All aluminium cans would be recycled.
- All garbage containers in public spaces would be paired with recycling bins.
- All beverage containers from our community would be recycled at our Recycling Centre.
- Only recyclable items would be dropped off at the Recycling Centre.
- All batteries and eligible electronics would be recycled.
- A full time Hazardous waste depot at the Flin Flon landfill.
- Dual garbage/recycling bins for Flin Flon Main St.
- On site recycling for Green St and Adams St apartments.
The Board of Directors and Staff of the Flin Flon Recycling Centre wish everyone a Happy New Year.