Convenience is the most important factor in increasing recycling rates. Residential pickup is the most convenient way for households to recycle.
The Recycling Centre first offered curbside pickup in 2003. Users were asked to pay $30.00 per year. Payment was on the honour system so recyclables were picked up even if the household hadn’t paid.
The program came to an abrupt end in 2007 as recycling struggled financially and the program did not cover costs.
The Centre brought back the convenience of curbside pickup in 2010. It provides red bags at a cost that covers the program expenses. Residents fill one red bag and two more bags or boxes and put them on the curb. The red bag lets centre staff know the household has paid for the service.
In the beginning the program provided pick-ups the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The number of users dropped significantly when Creighton began providing their own pickup services in 2014.
Since 2015 red bag pickup happens every Wednesday in Flin Flon where households are using the service.
The number of red bags collected has dropped to the point where it is barely covering costs.
The questions are:
Is the $3.50 fee the reason?
Should the program end?
Should recycling pickup be free and a fee be charged for more than two bags of garbage?
Curbside pickup uses less fuel with one vehicle stopping at 20 houses rather than 20 vehicles driving to the Centre.
It brings materials into the Centre at a predictable rate and removes the litter problem at the Centre and trailer.
Let us know what you think on our Facebook page: Flin Flon Recycling or call (204)687-6169.