Research shows the best way encourage recycling is to make it easy. Picking it up from homes increases rates significantly.
In May, 2003, the Recycling Centre began curbside pickup. People using the service were asked to pay $30.00/year. Payment was on the honour system. If recycling was on the curb it was picked up.
In 2006, seventy five households paid the fee. Many more were using the service.
Financial realities ended curbside recycling in June, 2007. Prices for recyclable materials fell and municipal support had not increased. The curbside program cost much more than the fees brought in.
Tonnage dropped from 500 tonnes in 2007 to 398 tonnes in 2008 and even lower the next year.
In 2009 a public meeting on the future of recycling showed the community wanted recycling to continue. The Recycling Centre developed a new financial plan so it could survive.
Curbside pickups were reintroduced in 2010 to increase recycling rates.
The Centre needed a fee to cover the cost. The easiest way to know who had paid was to sell red bags. If there was a red bag on the curb with recyclables staff knew the fee had been paid. Two more bags/boxes and cardboard would also be picked up.
Pickups were every other week.
Usage was falling. Many commented it was hard to remember which week was recycling week.
The schedule changed to weekly pickups in March to make it easier. Beginning this month the recycling truck only goes to streets where people are using the program.
Newcomers are welcome. Here is the list of streets. New streets can be added by calling the Recycling Centre at 204 687 6169.