Some time ago my neighbour commented that she had started recycling. She was surprised how easy it was. She thought it would be a lot more complicated.
Recycling is easy. There is no need to sort, so only one recycling bin is needed. It is just a matter of remembering which items go in which container.
There are a couple of things to remember.
Items should not be drippy, sticky or gooey. Beverage containers and anything that had liquid in it should be drained. Food containers need a quick rinse.
Lids should be removed from glass bottles and jars. This is important as the glass is crushed and used locally. The lids can cause problems in the crusher.
Shredded office/printer paper can be recycled but needs to be in a separate bag which can go in the bag with other recyclables.
Household batteries including button batteries should be in a separate bag or container to make them easy to find.
There are several ways to get recyclables to the Recycling Centre.
Creighton residents have curbside pickup every Thursday or Friday.
Curbside pickup is available Wednesday mornings in Flin Flon. Items need to be in a red bag that costs $3.50 which pays for the service. Two more bags or boxes will be picked up with one red bag.
Items in bags or boxes can be dropped off any time at the trailer beside Canadian Tire or at the Recycling Centre at 9 Timber Lane. Loose items go in the blue bins at the Centre.
A Christmas gift of recycling bags and a bin is a great way to get non-recycling friends and family started.
More information is available at