As 2018 draws to a close recycling is on track to set a new record.
At the end of November, 472.9 metric tons or tonnes have been processed. The average monthly tonnage is 42.9. Last year 463 tonnes were processed. So doing the math, 515 tonnes is the expected total for 2018.
The previous record was 500 in 2007.
The big picture is interesting. 2007 was the beginning of a low point in the recycling cycle. Tonnage in 2008 and 2009 was below 300 as cardboard was not collected because mills wanted payment to take it which was not affordable. Flin Flon and Creighton contributed extra funding both years to keep it recycling afloat financially.
Ten years later there are tough times once again in global recycling markets resulting in lower prices for the materials and higher sorting costs in Winnipeg.
Recycling will not need a bail out to stay afloat this year however.
What has changed?
As strong show of support for community recycling at a public meeting in 2009 encouraged the Board of Directors of the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc. to keep operating the program.
It also helped convince Flin Flon and Creighton that their contributions, which had not changed much in ten years while tonnages tripled, needed to increase.
The Board of Directors began to develop better business plans.
The almost free curbside and business pickups ended. Business pickups were resumed with a fee at the request of businesses. Cardboard recycling resumed as markets improved.
Next week’s column will look at more operational changes and the resources needed to move forward.
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