Aluminum – 583 kg
Commingled* - 9,199 kg
Office Paper – 2,577 kg
Cardboard – 21,183 kg
Glass – 3,390 kg
Total for 2023 – 107,705 kg
Total for 2022 – 119,578 kg
Difference – - 11,873 kg
* Co-mingled is unsorted materials sent to Winnipeg for sorting
Comments – We are behind last year overall, but the details show that corrugated cardboard and office paper account for the majority of the shortfall. Commingled materials, aluminum and glass are very close to last year's totals at this time.
This is expected as office paper was usually high the past two years as HB was cleaning out offices and sending their shredded paper to us. We have lost most of the cardboard from HB and two other business have closed. The bales of cardboard from the Coop and Canadian Tire are also very close to last year's totals at the end of March