1. OCC 2. ONP 3. FFDEC 4. EPRA 5. HHW 6. MMSM 7. CBCRA 8. MARR 9. PM | ___ a) shredded and other office paper that is baled and sold for the current price of $75./tonne. ___ b) Grassroots organization of municipal officials, employees and recycling operators. ___ c) The local non-profit organization that runs the Recycling Centre in Flin Flon. ___ d) More than half of all the materials collected at the Flin Flon Recycling Centre is this material. ___ e)The organization funded by the electronics industry to pay for electronics recycling. ___ f) The materials that must be disposed of carefully to prevent great harm to the environment. ___ g) The industry funded organization that subsidizes recycling of common household materials. ___h) material that is sometimes sold separately but also baled in comingled materials. ___ i) the industry funded organization that provides free recycling bins for public spaces |
Answers: 1- d, 2-h, 3-c, 4-e, 5-f, 6-g, 7-I, 8-b, 9-a.