*Note 2: Further discussions with Denare Beach staff indicate the question is whether the Village should charge a new annual fee to cover the costs of Denare Beach's share of the the Recycling Centre's costs like Creighton and Flin Flon and the cost of curbside pickup.
I am disappointed the question is not a simple yes or no 'Should DB support recycling?'. If the outcome was positive, it would be another item paid from the tax base, not an extra levy. I realize it all comes from the same place - the tax payers, but I am not very optimistic a majority of people will vote to pay another fee. It seems set up to fail.
I hope I am wrong.
Here is the Recycling Centre's position:
There will be a plebiscite about recycling in Denare Beach with the municipal election in October.
Please vote yes.
Recycling is part of responsible waste management. It saves landfill space and costs. It helps the environment by saving resources.
The recycling service is available to everyone in the Flin Flon, Creighton, Denare Beach and surrounding areas. Recyclables can be dropped off in Flin Flon at the Recycling Centre or the trailer parked by Canadian Tire.
Municipal funding is needed to cover the Recycling Centre’s costs for processing and shipping recyclables.
1. - Recycling is part of waste disposal which is a municipal responsibility.
2. - Selling materials does not make enough money. For example, shipping costs in 2015 were $7,300.00 more than the sales of materials. Only corrugated cardboard, printers mix and newspaper are sold. Prices are very low. Most materials are not sold as it is cheaper to bale them all together and ship them to Winnipeg where they are sorted on a sort line at the cost of $45.00/metric ton.
Municipal grants do not pay for pickup services. Businesses are charged a fee for pickups. Creighton pays for their residential pickup service. Flin Flon residents buy a red bag which pays for the curbside service.
Flin Flon and Creighton have supported recycling financially since 1996. Their annual grant is based on population. Currently it is $11.40/person/year.
The Village of Denare Beach contributed $500.00 in 2004, its only contribution. Some residents have contributed individually each year for the past three years. The total of these contributions is about $225.00 each year.
Voting ‘yes’ in the plebiscite will give the Village of Denare Beach the mandate to support recycling financially using the same population based calculation as Flin Flon and Creighton
Voting ‘yes’ will give the Council the mandate to consider offering a recycling service of some kind in the Village. There are a couple of options such as providing a trailer like the one parked by Canadian Tire in the village or a curbside pickup service like Creighton provides. There are pros and cons to each. The Recycling Centre would be pleased to provide information and support in making that decision.
We believe it only makes sense to vote in favour of Denare Beach supporting the community recycling program. Recycling is a necessary part of responsible waste management in the 21st century. It will save space and money at the landfill. The Village will be contributing its fair share and can consider ways to make recycling more convenient for residents.
For more information call the Recycling Centre at 204 687 6169.