The activities of non-profit corporations are governed by a Board of Directors. Their involvement differs in each organization. Sometimes they do all the work. Other times they hire employees and provide oversight and give direction.
The role of Board members of the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc. has evolved.
In the beginning all the work was done by volunteers including Board members. Today, employees do the work. The Board oversees the recycling program. Some volunteer regularly or do specific tasks as they are able.
Everything Board members do is unpaid, but they have significant influence.
Barb Lyons attended the public meeting about recycling in 2009 and decided to become a Board member.
Barb has been active and dedicated, reading reports and asking questions that bring another valuable perspective to the discussion. She has given considerable time to rewriting the bylaws and developing job descriptions and personnel policies. She understands the big picture of recycling in Manitoba because she has attended provincial recycling forums and tours.
In 2013 Barb and I had lunch with Martin from the organization that subsidizes recycling. He suggested we pay for sorting in Winnipeg and set fees for pickup services that cover our costs.
I was not enthusiastic, but Barb’s practicality had her on board. With information from other recycling programs and more Board discussion, the decision was made to ship most recyclables to Winnipeg for sorting. Pickup fees were increased.
This decision is the reason there continues to be a successful recycling program in our community.
The Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc. and the recycling program are successful today in many ways because of Barb’s work as a volunteer Board member.