The highest percentage of revenue for the Recycling Centre comes from the Recycling Support Grants paid by Flin Flon and Creighton. The grant formula is $11.40 per person.
The money is used only to cover the costs of processing and shipping recyclables. There is a fee for all pickup services.
The Recycling Centre serves the whole community including Denare Beach and people living outside Flin Flon and Creighton. Everyone can drop their recyclables off at the Centre at 9 Timber Lane or the trailer by Canadian Tire.
The Recycling Centre has tried to work out a way for Recycling Support grants to be paid on behalf of residents outside of Flin Flon and Creighton.
Denare Beach Village Council has been asked to support recycling like Creighton and Flin Flon. They have decided to go to the people on the issue with a plebiscite being this fall with the municipal election.
Payments on behalf of lake residents are more challenging as there is no local tax base.
Discussions with the Department of Conservation which is responsible for the lakes areas in Manitoba have shown that it is not a simple matter. The fees they collect and the payments they make for residents are governed by regulations and legislation that is not easily changed.
There has been some discussion with individuals on the executives of the cottager’s associations. This may provide a way for recycling support from lake residents.
Some residents living outside of Flin Flon and Creighton have made recycling support payments to the Recycling Centre beginning in 2013 based on the same per person formula. The average paid each year is $650.00, equal to 57 people.