‘Volunteering is the ultimate exercise of democracy….when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in’.
These words by an unknown author appeared on my facebook page. They reminded me of the many volunteers ‘voting’ for recycling our community.
Thirty-two people have volunteered as Board members of the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc, the non-profit organization responsible for the Recycling Centre.
Angie Simpson began serving in 1999. She brings wealth of experience in public service and strong support for recycling.
La Verne Hinzman was appointed the Town of Creighton representative in 2005 and stayed on when someone else became the town rep. He is the Chairperson of the Board. He built carts that have greatly increased the efficiency of operations.
Fran Gira, an original Board member, served 12 years. She was the bookkeeper before it was computerized.
Jewell Robertson served eleven years. She typed up and circulated meeting minutes.
Nadine Morrison served eight years. She found the new forklift and supervised during an extended leave of the Administrator.
Les Ginnell served six year and contributed resources used to develop personnel policies.
Glenna Daschuk served six years. We still use the budget spreadsheet she designed. The red bag curbside program was her and Moira Davis’s idea.
Others Board members include Annette Banach, Bill Fulford, Bob Lyons, Barb Lyons, Janet Modler, Greg East, Moira Davis, Deanna Petrash, Henry Wolf, Darcy Chrisp, Robin Rideout, Wendy Weseen, Christine Schneider, and Peter Bush.
Municipal representatives include George Fontaine, Dennis Ballard, Connie Roberts, Kevin Elliot, Bill Hanson, and Skip Martin. Darren Grant and Karen MacKinnon are the current reps.
New Board members are always welcome.