Conventional wisdom is that curbside pickup of recyclables increases recycling rates so it is worth the cost.
Not everyone is convinced.
Many question its value pointing out the pollution created by driving to every home. The same concern comes up in questions about the pollution created by shipping materials far away to be made into something new.
Consider this. One truck driving to many homes in one trip creates less pollution than one vehicle from every home driving to the Recycling Centre.
It is true there would not be extra pollution if a person is dropping recycling in the trailer by Canadian Tire while on a shopping trip or at the Centre while getting gas from the Cardlock. However, many trips are more polluting than one
In the bigger picture, more pollution is created making brand new things than using recycled materials.
Curbside pickup also benefits operations at the Recycling Centre.
I realized this when I spoke with people at The Pas Recycling shortly after Christmas when we are piled high with recyclables to process.
I asked how their after Christmas rush was. The Administrator indicated they really didn’t have one. They provide curbside pickup throughout most of their community including rural areas so recyclables come in on a schedule and can be taken care of as it comes in.
Curbside makes processing more manageable. For example, we expect and can prepare for the recyclables from Creighton and Denare Beach on the days they arrive.
I suspect we would not have to work weekends if all in town residents used curbside pickup.
Our current system is working but more curbside pickup could make it better.