Guest post by summer student Aline Nasselquist
You’re walking down Main Street and toss your water bottle into the blue bin rather than the garbage, good for you. The school year is comes to an end and you recycle the supplies that you can, good for you.
You’re really helping the environment but just because you’re recycling doesn’t mean you’re doing what’s best for the environment.
There’s a reason we are taught to “REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE” in that specific order. It’s because this order creates the greatest impact.
Reduce by getting a reusable water bottle instead of purchasing disposable ones over and over.
Reuse leftover school supplies instead of buying all new sets every year.
Not only does this help the environment but also your wallet.
Over the summer of working at the Recycling Centre I have sorted through many bags and boxes of trash and recyclables. It’s actually surprising to see how much perfectly good stuff people get rid of such as sealed packages of loose leaf, folders that just need a new label, dozens of DVDs, photo albums, and so many more different things.
It was alarming but then people would call and ask us to keep some pop bottles or books from a specific author so they could reuse them.
Reducing our waste is so important through doing things like using reusable products instead of disposable. Then we must keep reusing products until the end of the items life.
This isn’t just buying new and then using it up but also buying second hand.
You alone can do so much good just by following the steps that come before recycling. Don’t forget to make things better by reducing and reusing.