Guest post by summer student Aline Nasselquist
Canadians produce around 15 kg a week according to CBC.
On the week of July 30 - August 6 I did my best to create no waste and the biggest thing I discovered is that it really isn’t hard. It’s mainly just slightly time consuming and something that takes time to become a habit.
Some things didn’t go the way I planned it but some went better than expected.
Tactics I plan to implement into my everyday life are bringing reusable containers with me whenever I go out, opting for a hand towel versus paper towels, and using bar soap instead of liquid bottled soap. These changes didn’t greatly impact my everyday life but they do impact the environment.
Businesses like Bubba’s Bulk Bin encourage people to bring their own container and by taking a few extra steps CO-OP will also allow people to use their own containers.
Reaching out and also working to discover my options were some tasks I wanted to achieve. I wanted to push myself further but changes like this take baby steps to implement into a person’s life.
I do plan on creating a Bokashi composter as soon as possible and using the food scraps I collected this week to start it.
I will also make a zero waste kit that I’ll keep in my car to hold cutlery with reusable napkins, a variety of reusable bags, and mason jars.
15 kg is a lot of garbage but I only created a fraction of that this week. That is a massive amount of progress and though it’s a small impact, it’s still something.