Just living produces garbage or waste which we throw away. But where is ‘away’?
Everything used to go to the landfill where it was covered up and forgotten by most people. However, landfills take space. Many items cause poisonous chemicals to get into the environment.
Much of the materials in landfills can be recycled and used again, saving space, energy and resources. The toxic items can be disposed of in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
So the ‘away’ where you throw things is changing.
At the landfill, there is a place for metal which is picked up and refined into new metal. Tires are set aside and shipped to Reliable Tire in Winnipeg where they are made into a variety of products. Computers are taken apart so metals and plastics can be recycled, and toxic chemicals disposed of properly to prevent poisoning the environment.
Recyclables can be taken to the Recycling Centre to be shipped and made into new products. The Centre is also able recycle e-waste and batteries.
Toxic materials must be disposed of in a way that keeps them from harming the environment. They should not be thrown away with other household trash. Currently, they need to be stored until the Hazardous Waste depot comes to town in September. Old or unused medication can be returned to the store where you got it for disposal.
It is important to think about where ‘away’ is and be responsible with our stuff after we are finished with it. With a couple of new habits, we can make the world a better place.
And wherever ‘away’ is, it is NOT in the bush!