The Recycling Centre is operated by the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc., a non-profit organization. As a non-profit, all the money that comes in is used to cover costs.
It is a good thing profit is not the goal. Sale prices for recyclables were non-existent by the end of 2019. Total sales were 5.5% of the revenue in 2019 with 67% of that coming from beer returns.
The recycling support grants from Flin Flon, Creighton, Denare Beach and individual lake residents provided 23.5% of the revenue.
This is down from 27% in 2018 as the subsidies from Multi-material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM), the producer responsible organization for Packaging and Print materials increased significantly from 21% of revenue to 31%.
The subsidy is a rate per tonne based on tonnage two years ago. A change that year allowed us to report all the cardboard so tonnage went up significantly.
The rate also increased significantly because of the drop in prices as it is calculated to cover 75% of processing costs with revenue from sales factored in.
This increase has allowed us to ‘weather the storm’.
The Recycling Centre charges fees to cover the cost of pickup services. In 2019, 16.5% of revenue came from these fees and the sale of red bags.
The Recycling Centre owns our building. Rent from our tenant provided 13% of the revenue.
The surplus from the Environment Council’s contract to operate the Flin Flon Landfill provided 5% of revenues.
Miscellaneous revenue including the student grant, donations and payment for electronic and paint recycling provided 5%.
The stability provided by these funds means recycling will continue to make a difference in our community.