The Recycling Centre has been very busy. The monthly tonnage numbers that are over 29 tonnes ahead of this time last year tell the story.
Half of this increase is shredded paper mostly from HudBay. Two thirds of the other half is cardboard. The rest of the increase is print and packaging materials sent to Winnipeg for sorting.
The increase in these materials is good news as they had been going down since mid-2018. This tells us more people are recycling.
The second baler was installed at the Recycling Centre in January 2018. Without this baler we would not be able to keep up.
But we are having trouble keeping up. We are victims of our own success. We have increased the hours worked on weekends. It becomes really challenging if one person is away unexpectedly or a truck needs repairs.
Anyone who drops off recyclables in the trailer by Canadian Tire is probably not surprised we are having a hard time keeping up as it is regularly full. We try to remove a truckload every day.
The trailer has a couple of challenges. First: we need to have space in the Centre for the recyclables from the trailer.
The second is the time it takes to pull the trailer to the Centre and empty it completely including loose materials and garbage. This takes three people an hour to complete. By comparison, the trailer of just bags and organized cardboard from Denare Beach takes 3 people 20 minutes to unload.
It would be very helpful if more people used the Red Bag Curbside pickup service on Wednesday morning in Flin Flon. More information is available at or by calling (204) 687-6169.