'Everything we have comes from the Earth’. I can’t remember where I read this statement but that fact has stayed with me.
Something was taken from the Earth to make everything we have from televisions to toilet paper, from socks to SUV’s. This is a finite planet we are living on. We need to make some changes, so there is something left for our grandchildren.
The Three R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle, are the key to making change. They are listed in the order of importance.
First, we need to reduce how much we are taking from the earth. Making purchases with less packaging is a good place to start. The real question is ‘do we really need so much stuff?’ How much do we buy that we don’t need or use? How much do we throw away that is still good, but we are tired of or we find something ‘better’?
Repairing what you have instead of buying a new one is another way to reduce the amount of the earth’s resources we use.
Reuse what you have. Use margarine containers for supper leftovers. Use reusable bags for shopping. Use dishes instead of paper plates, or a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water. Someone else can reuse what you are finished with through garage sales, ‘Trader’s Post’, or giving things away to someone who needs it.
You only can only reuse so many margarine containers, etc. Instead of filling up the landfill, recycle as much as you can. Recycling uses less energy and resources so we take less from the earth.
If you are not recycling, you are throwing it all away.