The recent recycling survey shows that many people are not sure what is recyclable.
Here is the list for your fridge or some other handy place.
You can recycle:
- Newspapers, all fliers, magazines, catalogues, phone books, promotional brochures.
- Box board like cereal boxes and similar materials.
- Office paper, envelopes (including windows), file folders, notebooks.
- Shredded office paper in a separate bag.
- Books.
- All empty beverage containers: plastic, glass and aluminium.
- Glass jars.
- Milk and juice jugs, cartons or boxes that have been rinsed.
- Tin cans that have been rinsed.
- Plastic containers with the recycling symbol except # 6, which have been rinsed and/or drained.
- Clean aluminium pans.
- Corrugated cardboard.
- Dry Cell batteries of all kinds in a closed plastic bag.
- Electronic waste – info available at
Here’s a tip for plastic recycling: If there is an ‘S’ in the letters below the recycling symbol it is a 6 and not recyclable. All others are.
A recycling trailer is available in the Extra Foods parking lot.
Curbside recycling is available in Creighton weekly on the second garbage day. There is no charge.
In Flin Flon curbside recycling is available every second Wednesday. A red bag must be purchased at the Candy Bar, Acklands, Super K and the Recycling Centre for $3.50 which pays for the service. Two more bags or boxes will be picked up on the front curb with the red bag.
Large corrugated cardboard does not need to be bagged. It can be flattened and left underneath the recycling bags.
More info is available on facebook - Flin Flon Recycling – or by calling 204 687 6169.