Co-mingled* - 11,930 kg
Office Paper – 2,722 kg
Cardboard – 24,180 kg
Glass – 3,696 kg
Books -
Total for 2018 – 113,813 kg
Total for 2017 – 103,101 kg
Difference – +10,712 kg
E – waste – 9.8 metric tons (tonnes)
Batteries – 150 kg
* Co-mingled is unsorted materials sent to Winnipeg for sorting
Comments – We finally caught up by shipping the rest of the cardboard that had collected since Christmas. This brought our tonnage for the month up significantly, both the cardboard and the overall tonnage.
We shipped a load of electronics. We usually ship three times a year.
Someone left several boxes of the batteries that appear to be from two way radios. There were a lot of them so our battery shipment was also higher this month.