Newsprint – 1,438 kg
Co-mingled* - 9,719 kg
Office Paper – 5,784 kg
Cardboard – 20,165 kg
Glass – 3,338 kg
Books - 944 kg
Total for 2015 – 344,641 kg
Total for 2014 at the end of September 312,419 kg
Comments - I was pleasantly surprised when this month's total was over 40 tonnes again. I have been analyzing where the increases are as it gives clues to who is recycling more.
The biggest increase is cardboard. There had been increases in co-mingled which shows what is happening in households. It has actually flattened as the increase is offset by a decrease in newspaper from last year. Check the post called Picture of Recycling Stats.
I think becoming a recycler is kind of like eating healthier food or exercising regularly. It isn't hard once you get into the habit. But getting into the habit is sometimes the hard part.
If you have 'fallen off the wagon' know that recycling helps by reducing green house gases and what we take from the earth so there will be something left for the next generation.
Work with a friend who recycles to encourage each other. Call the Centre at 204 687 6169 if you need some ideas on how to make it easier.
Make a Difference - Recycle.