I have heard some interesting rumours about the recycling program over the years. Here are a few..
1. Recently, someone told me that they heard the Recycling Centre is closing.
Not true. There have been times in our history when it was a possibility. Twice, the City of Flin Flon and the Town of Creighton provided extra money so recycling could survive.
The Centre has developed a realistic budget so we can meet our costs. The recent decision to not sort materials as well as charging for curbside and business pickups is part of that.
2. The Recycling Centre does not take corrugated cardboard.
Not True. When times were tough we did not take it for a couple of years as there is no subsidy for cardboard recycling. However, with the new funding formula from Flin Flon and Creighton, and some money from selling it, we are making it happen. In 2013 we recycled twelve and a half semi loads of cardboard, more than half of everything recycled.
3. Individuals are making money from the recycling program.
Not true. Recycling is run by a non-profit corporation. If there is money left over after paying wages, shipping, building costs, etc, it stays with the Recycling Centre for the tough times or big expenses that arise.
This rumour usually is based on the incorrect idea that recyclables are sold for lots of money. In 2013 only 6% of the revenue for recycling was from selling the materials. Cardboard which doesn’t need sorting, is still sold, but at $50/metric ton it just covers the cost of sorting the other materials on the load and some of the shipping costs.