The last column stated that a down turn in world recycling markets in 2018 will not result in another financial crisis for the local recycling program.
A better business plan, more support from municipalities and increased recycling subsidies moved the program from financial crisis to manageable.
Increased recycling rates continued to be the Organization’s priority. Convenience is the key which is achieved mainly through curbside pickup.
In 2010, the Recycling Centre introduced the red bag curbside pickup program. Red was chosen as it is not a common colour for bags. The cost of the red bag covers the program’s expenses.
Curbside pickup happens Wednesday mornings in Flin Flon only since Creighton began providing recycling pickup in 2014.
The City of Flin Flon purchased a trailer parked beside Canadian Tire in 2014 to provide more convenience for its citizens.
Finances were still very challenging until October 2013 when the decision was made to bale materials together and pay for sorting in Winnipeg. Finances and operations improved immensely.
A second baler with a conveyor feed was installed early in 2018. It bales only the materials sorted in Winnipeg. Without it, the Centre could not keep up with processing everything that comes in.
A new record of 510 tonnes was set in 2018.
The increase in tonnage, business pickups and tasks such as emptying the trailer requires more staff hours. Sorting and shipping costs have increased and prices are lower for materials sold.
All of this has resulted in the need for a modest increase in business pick up fees for the first time since 2014.
Municipal costs are also increasing slightly after remaining steady for the past 5 years.