Recycling is not the only way to reduce the amount of garbage.
I borrowed these ideas from the website of Busch System. They make recycling bins. It lists ways to reduce waste when deciding what to buy.
This is called pre-cycling.
Here are some tips:
- Buying in bulk reduces the amount of packaging.
- Purchased used items as these items rarely have packaging.
- Buy products in recyclable packaging only. For example, some coffee containers are made of tin and cardboard. Mixed material items cannot be recycled. Buy coffee in a plastic or tin can.
- Chose quality items over cheap ones .They last longer and not need to be replaced as quickly.
- Choose reusable items over disposable ones.
- Avoid Styrofoam as much as possible.
- BYOB – bring your own bags when shopping.
- Use reusable coffee mugs and water bottles.
- Make things from scratch – everything from spaghetti sauce to shampoo.
- Wrap gifts in reused wrapping paper, newspaper, reusable gift bags or towels.
Many manufacturers are changing packaging either by reducing it or using recyclable materials.
As new products appear they need to be assessed.
For example, when we visited the plant we ship our recycling to in Winnipeg, they told us not all #1 plastic is recyclable. Plastic drink bottles, Clam shells for fruit and other clear items marked #1 plastic are recyclable.
The black #1 plastic cannot be recycled. Nor can the coloured #1 that you cannot see through like the orange tubs Tide laundry cubes come in.
Just when you think it all makes sense, something changes! Please call the Recycling Centre at 204 687 6169 if you have questions.