We have organized and shipped a lot of paint and hazardous waste lately.
Household paint and empty paint cans are collected at both the Recycling Centre and the landfill. This includes stains, aerosols and varnishes. A complete list of accepted products is on our website: flinflonrecycling.org.
All other hazardous waste is collected at the landfill only.
Everything must be in the original container with the original label that is readable.
The only exception is when paint covers the label as it is easily identified as paint.
Containers also must be sealed and not leaking.
There is good reason for this. Hazardous waste is dangerous. It is flammable, poisonous or toxic, corrosive and explosive. Some materials create more danger if they are mixed.
The safety of our staff who sort and store the items and the people who are handling it for disposal needs to be guaranteed. We need to store it in the correct container. They need to know what they are handling so they can protect themselves against whatever the danger is.
What can the public do to make this happen?
The most obvious is keep things in the original containers in a place where the container will not be damaged and the labels won’t get wet or otherwise destroyed.
This includes paint. Paint that is not in its original container can be dumped into other left-over paint that is in an original container. Latex and acrylic or oil-based paint should not be mixed.
If there is a known substance in a non-original container use it up.
Take care with these products from the beginning so they can be disposed of safely at the end.