In 2013, 396 metric tons (tonnes) of materials were recycled in Flin Flon.
24 semi loads of garbage were kept out of the landfill. 12.5 of them were cardboard.
The materials are shipped to Cascades Recovery, Inc. in Winnipeg. They have calculated some other environmental benefits.
Our community recycling program saved:
· 6,012 mature trees
· 9,630,550 litres of water
· 1,439.9 metric tons of carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, a major cause of climate change
· 2,387,440 kWh of energy
· 1,634.4 cubic yards of landfill space.
This information is based on what the same amount of material would have required in to make from scratch. The specific details are available from the Recycling Centre ([email protected]) or in files on our facebook page. Search for Flin Flon Recycling.
That is only 396 tonnes. Imagine what those numbers would be if everyone recycled?
The goal for 2014 is to recycle 500 tonnes. 600 would be even better.
If you are not recycling, now is the best time to start.
Info about recycling at home and at work will be available at the Recycling Centre booth at the Leisure Show April 24, 25, 26, 2014 at the Creighton Sportex. Drop by and see what can be recycled. Ask about ideas to make it easier for you to recycle. Check out the space saving demo.
Creighton residents will receive a fridge magnet with info and 2 free bags for their free curbside pickup beginning May 1.
Environment Council memberships are available. Denare Beach and Lake residents are encouraged to stop by and pay the Recycling Support fee.
See you at the Leisure Show.