Check out the recycling booth this year at the Leisure show at the Sportex April 23, 24 & 25. It is designed to encourage more people to recycle, and to make it easier for those who are.
There will be samples of what is recyclable and draws for recycling bags and bins. Staff will be available to answer questions.
Many households are recycling. Current recycling tonnages indicate the majority are not.
Why is this?
Weekly residential recycling pickups, and a trailer at Extra Foods makes it is easier than ever before to recycle instead of sending everything to the landfill.
The Recycling Centre and the Recycle Everywhere program survey last summer asked what prevented people from recycling at home.
Lack of space and lack of information were the most common of the reasons given. Laziness was next at 13%.
The amount of space needed is much less with weekly residential pickups in both Creighton and Flin Flon. Sorting materials is not required so everything can go in one container.
If the cost of the red bag in Flin Flon is a problem, recycling can be dropped off at the trailer in the lot beside Canadian Tire and Walmart or at the Recycling Centre at 9 Timber Lane.
Pickup is free in Creighton.
Information is available at the grocery stores, on the web at, on the Flin Flon Recycling Facebook page or by calling 204 687 6169.
So there really is no reason not to recycle.
The survey reflected this as 41% didn’t list anything that prevented them from recycling and 10% said nothing.
Come see us at the Leisure show. We will help you get started.