Here are some of the things I wish for.
- I wish manufacturers of packaging would think about recycling when they design their products. Recently I was looking for the recycling symbol on a large lid from a recyclable container. I found it after much searching. I should have had a magnifying glass. It was on the edge. Check out the picture on our Facebook page: Flin Flon Recycling.
- 2. I wish everyone realized how easy it is to recycle. The 20% increase in household recycling last year and the response I have received to the ‘Are you recycling?’ question at the Leisure Show had me believing most people are. A conversation this weekend brought me back to the reality. This person who lives in Creighton commented that she has not seen recycling out for pick up at most of her neighbours.
- I wish people would make sure their garbage is disposed of in a garbage container. Nadine Porter and her group of volunteers have been very busy cleaning up the litter that shows up when the snow disappears. I cleaned up a stretch of the Perimeter last week. People need to hold on to their plastic bags, drink containers, cigarette butts and packages, chip bags and candy wrappers, underwear, fishing line and pregnancy tests until they find a garbage container. I also have concluded that many items placed in the box of passenger trucks are not secure and fly out during travel.
One of my wishes is coming true. Based on the number of phone calls I receive and the conversations and messages on Facebook, more and more people want to dispose of their items the best way.