There is much to celebrate for recycling in our community for the year just ended.
Four hundred sixty tonnes (metric tons) of recyclables were processed in 2015. This is a 47 tonne increase over 2014 or 11 percent. It is the third highest yearly tonnage in our 23 year history.
Almost half of the material was corrugated cardboard at 49%. Commingled materials shipped to Winnipeg for sorting made up 25%. Glass was 8%, office paper; 9%, newspaper; 6%, and other materials (mostly books) was 3%.
Thirty-two tonnes (three loads) of electronics were shipped for recycling. This includes televisions, computers equipment, sound systems, telephones, and microwaves. A complete list of eligible materials is available at
This is the first year we recorded the weight of household batteries sent for recycling. Four hundred fifty kilograms were sent which is almost half a tonne.
The 11% increase was handled by the same number of employees with some help from two volunteers and a summer student who was with us for four months. We have a great team.
The Board of Directors is also a big part of the success.
We were able to purchase a newer vehicle this year. The reliability and better mirrors have been a real asset to the recycling pickup program.
In March the pickup schedule for the red bag residential curbside recycling program in Flin Flon was changed to every Wednesday to remove the confusion about which was recycling week.
The Recycling Centre coordinated the 20 Minutes of Magic spring cleanup in May.
Thank you to everyone who is recycling at home and at work. Your efforts have big benefits for the environment.