It is finally going to happen.
The Recycling Centre has been working with the City of Flin Flon and an organization called Manitoba Product Care for two years to set up a collection depot for household hazardous waste.
Two sea cans were purchased and modified in Winnipeg and installed at the Flin Flon landfill beside the oil collection building.
We had hoped to open in June but the landfill permit needed to be changed first.
The grand opening will be on Saturday, September 23, 2017 from 2 – 4 at the Flin Flon landfill.
Please note this depot is for household items only. Items from businesses or institutions will not be accepted.
What is hazardous waste? It is anything that has the danger symbols. The symbols show a skull and cross bones (poisonous), flame (flammable), boney hand (corrosive) inside a stop sign or triangle shape.
Common items include aerosol cans, paints, gasoline, flammable liquids, pesticides, fertilizers, cleaners and degreasers, glues, etc.
These items should definitely not go into the landfill or be dumped on the ground or down the drain. They are harmful. That is why they have those scary pictures.
Now there is a safe way to take care of them any time.
No tipping fee will be charge when only household hazardous waste is brought to the landfill as these materials are shipped to Miller Environmental in Winnipeg for safe disposal.
This is a great improvement for waste management in our community. Previously, hazardous materials were collected one afternoon in September at Centoba Park.
The Recycling Centre will continue to collect fluorescent bulbs and paint cans.
Call the Recycling Centre at (204) 687-6169 if you have any questions.