Note: Our program accepts only glass bottles and jars. We do not take dishes, mirrors, windows, etc.
A gentleman dropping off recyclables last week asked if they should just send their glass to the landfill.
My answer was no. Here is why.
Multi-Materials Stewardship of Manitoba is the program funded by industries that whose products create paper and packaging items that can be recycled. They are required by the Manitoba government to support municipalities with the costs of recycling. The subsidy is based on the number of metric tons or tonnes recycled in the community.
The City of Flin Flon gives this subsidy to the Recycling Centre to help cover costs. It was 39% of our revenue last year.
Specific kinds of packaging must be recycled to receive the subsidy. This includes glass.
Glass is easily recycled in Ontario or Alberta but there is no price for it and shipping it would cost too much. As a result, it is reused in our community.
There is a separate glass pile at the landfill that is driven over and crushed. It is used to cover the garbage which reduces the amount of dirt taken from the earth for this purpose.
Crushed glass can also be used in road beds. Finely crushed glass can be spread around buildings to keep rodents out.
So why not just take it to the landfill?
We need to weigh it so we can receive the subsidy for it.
It is also easier for recyclers to put it in with all their other recyclables.
Glass containers placed in a bag inside the bag of recyclables is helpful but not required. It contains them if some break and makes it easier to separate them at the Centre.
Fifty-one tonnes of glass were reused last year.