Last week’s column suggested a scavenger hunt for answers on our website: . Here are the answers.
- Which items are recyclable?
No: Styrofoam egg cartons, Sugar bags, Coffee makers, Aluminum foil pans, Candy wrappers, Coffee cups, KFC tubs, Glass dishes.
2. What day is curbside pickup at homes in Flin Flon Wednesday, Creighton Thursday or Friday, Denare Beach Tuesday.
3. Where can recyclables be dropped off? At the Recycling Centre and the trailer by Canadian Tire.
4. How much does it cost a business to have their recyclables picked up? $23.00 + GST
5. How is the Recycling Centre connected to the Landfill? Recycling Centre employees work at the landfill. Recycling programs there are managed by the Recycling Centre
6. What kind of company runs the Recycling Centre? A non-profit corporation
7. How many metric tons (tonnes) were recycled in 2020? 538. How much was the increase over 2019? 18 tonnes
8. Finish this statement: Everything we have comes from the Earth, if you’re not recycling you are throwing it all away.
There is a variety of other information on the website. The News tab has monthly statistics, and previous Recycling Bin columns. ‘A Brief History of Recycling’ in our community isn’t so brief after 29 years.
We appreciate any feedback you can give about the website. Email your comments to [email protected] or call (204) 687-6169.