April 22 is Earth Day. It is a day set aside to bring attention to importance of protecting the Earth so it can support life.
The first one was in the United States in 1970. It was organized by a two US senators, one a Republican, the other a Democrat. People from all walks of life and political parties participated.
It became recognized around the world in 1990. The focus has changed over the years. Recycling was important in the 1990’s. Climate change is the main concern since the early 2000’s.
Earth Day is on Saturday this year. The Recycling Centre is celebrating by inviting everyone to an open house from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The Centre is located at 9 Timber Lane, in the Eecol Electric building.
You will be able to see how all the different materials are processed and stored for shipping. A bale will be made at 1:30 and 3:00.
The Recycling Centre is really a Materials Recovery Facility or a MRF. Nothing is recycled into new things here. It currently collects nine different categories of materials.
Household recyclables, corrugated cardboard and office paper are compressed into large bales and shipped to Winnipeg. From there, these recyclables are sent to mills in the United States or Eastern Canada where they are made into new products.
Each year, the company we ship to in Winnipeg sends information about the difference our recycling made the previous year.
In 2016, recycling from our communities saved 4,310 trees, 7,040,980 litres of water and 2,666,590 KWH of energy. Carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 1,188 metric tons and 1,705 cubic yards of garbage was kept out of local landfills.
Recycling makes a difference.