Commingled* - 10,245 kg
Office Paper – 3,531 kg
Cardboard – 26,455 kg
Glass – 4,506 kg
Total for 2021 – 564,357 kg
Total for 2020 – 538,082 kg
Difference – +26,275 kg
Batteries – 345 kg - a pallet of 15 boxes.
Note: beginning in 2022, we will be shipping a pallet of boxes about twice a year.
* Co-mingled is unsorted materials sent to Winnipeg for sorting
Comments – 2021 was another successful year for our recycling program. It was a bit unusual as 20 tonnes of the extra 26 recycled this year was office paper, most of it shredded.
It is encouraging that we had 4 tonnes more of commingled materials. This weight has been decreasing the past few years as there is less newspaper and packaging has gotten lighter. These factors haven't changed so this indicates more people are recycling. We have been much busier this year with these materials.
Other increases in materials were 606 kg more aluminum cans and 2.3 tonnes of cardboard. Glass was almost a tonne less than last year.