The Recycling Centre is operated by the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc., a non-profit organization. Its goal is to encourage environmentally friendly activities in our community. The recycling program has become the main activity of the organization.
As a non-profit, the Environment Council is not trying to make money. All the money that comes into the organization is used to cover costs. Any money left over after expenses stays with the organization.
Good business practices are still important for a non-profit. It must have enough money to cover expected costs if it wants to continue operating.
For many years, the recycling program finances were very tight. Flin Flon and Creighton provided extra funding to make ends meet in 2007 and 2008 when prices for materials fell sharply. The community wide curbside and business pickup services and cardboard recycling were dropped.
In 2009 a public meeting showed strong support to continue community recycling. The Board of the Environment Council began to develop a better business plan.
Flin Flon and Creighton Councils agreed to a better funding plan.
As prices increased, cardboard returned to the recycling program. Business and residential curbside pickups returned with a fee that covered the costs of these services. Comingling most materials for sorting in Winnipeg reduced staff costs.
The recycling program finances are now stable. The Board of Directors watches how things are going. They will continue to make good business decisions as our community changes.
In 2016, revenue came from municipal governments (27%), pick up services (18%), recycling subsidies (17%), rent from Eecol (16%), sale of materials (9%), surplus from operating the Flin Flon landfill (8%) and from miscellaneous including fundraising and donations (5%).
Note: If you are interested in municipal support or other history over the years, check out the Brief History category on this page.