April 14, 2016 is the date for the Flin Flon & District Environment Council’s annual meeting. It will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Non-profit membership organizations like the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc. must have an annual meeting to report the activities of the previous year, to present the financial report and to elect new board members.
These meetings ensure the organization is accountable to the members and the general public.
Annual General Meetings or AGM’s don’t usually attract many people. This is reflected in the fact that many organization’s bylaws set the AGM quorum – the number of members required to attend to make decisions –at five percent of the membership.
It is in fact, a golden opportunity to find out more about recycling.
The Environment Council AGMs are divided into two parts.
The meeting begins with an informative power point about developments in the recycling program. Awards are presented to supporters of recycling and the environment. Questions from the audience are always welcome.
The business meeting is after the refreshment break. It provides information about the operational details and financial affairs of the organization in 2015 including the financial report. Members can ask questions and make suggestions for change.
Board members are elected to make guide and decisions throughout the year about the recycling program and other activities related to the organization’s goals.
New Board members are always welcome. The Board meets 6 – 8 times per year.
Memberships are $5.00/year for individuals and $8.00 for a family and will be available at the meeting.
There is information about the organization on the website. Check the ‘About Us’ tab.