April is always a busy month at the Recycling Centre.
The recyclables arriving at the Centre increases in the spring as many people bring all the bags they filled over the winter.
Other activities keep us busy.
Recycling and garbage bins are provided for the Flinty Fishing Derby. A few of our staff enjoy the event.
Two groups of children will tour the Centre this month. The children’s reactions and questions are always interesting. I usually learn something I can use for promoting recycling.
Two Annual General Meetings (AGMs) take place in April.
The Manitoba Association of Regional Recyclers (MARR) will meet in Brandon April 24. The usual business of reporting on the activities and financial status of the Organization and the election of Board members takes place in the morning. After a guest speaker at lunch, there will be a tour of the recycling and waste diversion operations at the Eastview Landfill.
I attend these meetings because I am a Board member. One or two of our Board members usually join me. The tours are a very interesting part of the day.
The AGM for the Flin Flon & District Environment Council, Inc. which runs the Recycling Centre will be Monday April 29, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Flin Flon City Council Chambers. There is a presentation and awards in the first half of the meeting. The business of reviewing financial statements and electing Board members takes place after the snack break.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Five dollar memberships are available at the meeting.
The Leisure Show at the Sportex is sandwiched in between these meetings. It’s always great opportunity to meet people and provide information about recycling.