Aluminum – 608 kg
Commingled* - 7,435 kg
Office Paper – 908 kg
Cardboard – 20,280 kg
Glass – 2,956 kg
Total for 2024 – 427,967 kg
Total for 2023 – 465,181 kg
Difference – - 37,215 kg
Fluorescent Bulbs – 22 four foot boxes, 3 eight foot boxes
* Co-mingled is unsorted materials sent to Winnipeg for sorting
Comments – We were behind in processing some of the recyclables at the Centre as we were missing a full time person for four months and a part time person the last three weeks. There were 12 bales of cardboard outside waiting to be processed as well.
This small amount doesn't explain our shortage of 37 tonnes. The biggest drop is office paper (14.5 tonnes) which isn't as concerning at the 5.8 tonnes drop in commingled materials or residential single stream. This would indicate that fewer households are recycling and/or there is less packaging. Less packaging would be a good thing, fewer households is a concern. Corrugated cardboard dropped 10 tonnes.
Aluminum cans held their own, dropping only 149 kg which is just over one bale.
I am aware that recycling rates are down in some other places. I was hoping our rates would increase with the restriction in the number of garbage bags picked up by the City. There are still many households that are not recycling.
We will be doing more promotion in 2025. Here's hoping we will reverse this trend.